use std::rc::Rc; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::ops::RangeInclusive; use crate::utils::{ get_bit, BitIndex, join_bytes }; use crate::rom::ROM; use crate::ppu::{ LCD_STATUS_ADDRESS, LCD_CONTROL_ADDRESS, LCD_Y_ADDRESS, DMA_ADDRESS, }; use crate::cpu::{Interrupt}; use crate::timer::{Timer, TIMER_DIVIDER_REGISTER_ADDRESS}; use crate::joypad::{Joypad, JOYPAD_ADDRESS}; pub const BANK_ZERO: RangeInclusive = 0x0000..=0x3FFF; pub const BANK_SWITCHABLE: RangeInclusive = 0x4000..=0x7FFF; pub const VIDEO_RAM: RangeInclusive = 0x8000..=0x9FFF; pub const EXTERNAL_RAM: RangeInclusive = 0xA000..=0xBFFF; pub const WORK_RAM_1: RangeInclusive = 0xC000..=0xCFFF; pub const WORK_RAM_2: RangeInclusive = 0xD000..=0xDFFF; pub const ECHO_RAM: RangeInclusive = 0xE000..=0xFDFF; pub const SPRITE_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE: RangeInclusive = 0xFE00..=0xFE9F; pub const NOT_USABLE: RangeInclusive = 0xFEA0..=0xFEFF; pub const IO_REGISTERS: RangeInclusive = 0xFF00..=0xFF7F; pub const HIGH_RAM: RangeInclusive = 0xFF80..=0xFFFE; pub const INTERRUPT_ENABLE_REGISTER: RangeInclusive = 0xFFFF..=0xFFFF; pub const INTERRUPT_ENABLE_ADDRESS: u16 = 0xFFFF; pub const INTERRUPT_FLAG_ADDRESS: u16 = 0xFF0F; pub struct Bus { game_rom: ROM, data: [u8; 0x10000], joypad: Rc>, timer: Rc>, } impl Bus { pub fn new(joypad: Rc>, timer: Rc>) -> Self { let args: Vec = std::env::args().collect(); if args.len() < 2 { println!("Please, specify a ROM file"); std::process::exit(1); } let game_rom = match ROM::load_file(&args[1]) { Ok(rom) => rom, Err(err) => { println!("Could not read ROM: {}", err); std::process::exit(1); }, }; let mut data = [0x00; 0x10000]; // Hardware registers after the bootrom data[0xFF00] = 0xCF; data[0xFF01] = 0x00; data[0xFF02] = 0x7E; data[0xFF04] = 0x18; data[0xFF05] = 0x00; data[0xFF06] = 0x00; data[0xFF07] = 0xF8; data[0xFF0F] = 0xE1; data[0xFF40] = 0x91; data[0xFF41] = 0x81; data[0xFF42] = 0x00; data[0xFF43] = 0x00; data[0xFF44] = 0x91; data[0xFF45] = 0x00; data[0xFF46] = 0xFF; data[0xFF47] = 0xFC; data[0xFF4A] = 0x00; data[0xFF4B] = 0x00; data[0xFFFF] = 0x00; Self { data, game_rom, joypad, timer, } } pub fn read(&self, address: u16) -> u8 { if BANK_ZERO.contains(&address) || BANK_SWITCHABLE.contains(&address) || EXTERNAL_RAM.contains(&address) { return; } else if address == INTERRUPT_ENABLE_ADDRESS || address == INTERRUPT_FLAG_ADDRESS { return 0b11100000 |[address as usize]; } else if address == JOYPAD_ADDRESS { return self.joypad.borrow().read([address as usize]); } else if address == TIMER_DIVIDER_REGISTER_ADDRESS { return self.timer.borrow().read_divider(); }[address as usize] } pub fn read_16bit(&self, address: u16) -> u16 { join_bytes(, } pub fn write(&mut self, address: u16, data: u8) { if address == 0xFF01 { // print!("{}", data as char); } if BANK_ZERO.contains(&address) || BANK_SWITCHABLE.contains(&address) || EXTERNAL_RAM.contains(&address) { self.game_rom.write(address, data); } else if WORK_RAM_1.contains(&address) || WORK_RAM_2.contains(&address) {[address as usize] = data; // Copy to the ECHO RAM if address <= 0xDDFF {[(ECHO_RAM.min().unwrap() + (address - WORK_RAM_1.min().unwrap())) as usize] = data; } } else if EXTERNAL_RAM.contains(&address) { // self.game_rom.write(address, data); } else if ECHO_RAM.contains(&address) {[address as usize] = data;[(WORK_RAM_1.min().unwrap() + (address - ECHO_RAM.min().unwrap())) as usize] = data; // Copy to the working RAM } else if address == TIMER_DIVIDER_REGISTER_ADDRESS { self.timer.borrow_mut().reset(); } else if address == LCD_CONTROL_ADDRESS {[address as usize] = data; // Check if LCD is being turned on or off if (get_bit(data, BitIndex::I7) && !get_bit([address as usize], BitIndex::I7)) || !get_bit(data, BitIndex::I7) {[LCD_Y_ADDRESS as usize] = 0x00; // Set Hblank let byte =[LCD_STATUS_ADDRESS as usize];[LCD_STATUS_ADDRESS as usize] = byte & 0b11111100; } } else if address == LCD_Y_ADDRESS { // println!("Write to LCD_Y not allowed"); } else if address == LCD_STATUS_ADDRESS { let byte =[address as usize];[address as usize] = (data & 0b11111000) | (byte & 0b00000111); } else if address == JOYPAD_ADDRESS { let byte =[address as usize];[address as usize] = (data & 0b11110000) | (byte & 0b00001111); } else if address == DMA_ADDRESS { // the idea is: when something gets written to $FF46, multiply it by 0x100, then copy 160 bytes starting from that memory location into OAM[address as usize] = data; let source = (data as usize) * 0x100; let mut count = 0; let oam_addr = SPRITE_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE.min().unwrap() as usize; while count < 160 {[oam_addr + count] =[source + count]; count += 1; } } else {[address as usize] = data; } } pub fn force_write(&mut self, address: u16, data: u8) {[address as usize] = data; } pub fn write_16bit(&mut self, address: u16, data: u16) { let bytes = data.to_le_bytes(); self.write(address, bytes[0]); self.write(address.wrapping_add(1), bytes[1]); } pub fn set_interrupt_flag(&mut self, interrupt: Interrupt, val: bool) { let byte =; self.write(INTERRUPT_FLAG_ADDRESS, interrupt.set(byte, val)); } }